Standard Terms and Conditions

  1. Supply:
    1. TechForGood Australia (The TFG Co Pty Ltd ABN 66655012669), herein referred to as TechForGood agrees to supply the goods (“Products”) and services (“Services”) described in a proposal, statement of work or quotation to the Customer on these terms and conditions (“Terms”)
  2. Order acceptance
    1. Purchase orders for products or services constitute an acceptance by the Customer of TechForGood’s quotation, proposal or statement of work. Any amendments to purchase orders for Products or Services must be approved by TechForGood in writing to be effective. Only these Terms (no other terms and conditions which may be attached to or incorporated in a purchase order) form part of the agreement between the parties. TechForGood’s acceptance of a purchase order will not be taken as acceptance of any such terms or conditions.
    2. TechForGood will not process any order of a value greater than AU$1000.00 without a purchase order number, with the exception of pre-paid orders.
  3. Precedence
    1. In the event of any inconsistency between the documents which make up the specification, they must be construed with the documents appearing earlier in the following list taking precedence over those appearing later:
      1. The proposal and/or quotation.
      2. The Statement of Work (if applicable).
      3. The Project Control Documentation; and
      4. Relevant emails and verbal agreements.
  4. Prices and Payment.
    1. Payment terms are strictly cash before delivery (unless otherwise specified on a Supplier agreement).
    2. Prices quoted are valid for 7 days from the date of the quotation unless otherwise specified in the quotation.
    3. Quoted prices based on a stated exchange rate will be adjusted on invoicing to take account of any exchange rate fluctuations. Adjustments will be based on the exchange rate quoted by the ANZ Bank at the close of business on the day before the date of invoice.
    4. The Customer forfeits any discount, which TechForGood may have granted to Customer, if payment is not made to TechForGood by the due date. A retrospective invoice for discounts applied will be issued.
    5. Payment must not be withheld pending the settlement of any claims or disputes.
    6. Any amount not paid by the due date for payment will carry interest from that date until payment is made in full at the rate being two percentage points above the overdraft rate charged on overdraft accounts over $100,000 by the ANZ Bank of Australia from time to time.
    7. In the event of non-payment of accounts, any, and all costs relating to recovery of outstanding amounts will be that of the client.
  5. Warranty.
    1. TechForGood makes no warranty in relation to the Products or Services other than as contained in these Terms or as prescribed by a law which cannot be excluded or in the case of Products, as provided by the Products’ respective manufacturers as made known to the Customer, as provided in the documents supplied by TechForGood or by the manufacturer or as otherwise published or made known to the Customer. TechForGood at no charge to the Customer will rectify defects in Services reported to TechForGood within 30 days of delivery of the Service. TechForGood will not provide claimed warranty services for defects or deficiencies in Products or Services which are caused by:
      1. External causes including natural disaster, fire, accident, neglect, misuse, vandalism, water, lightning, power surge or spike.
      2. The use of a Product for other than its intended purpose.
      3. The use with or connection of a Product to items not approved by TechForGood.
      4. The performance of maintenance or attempted repair by persons other than TechForGood or as authorised by TechForGood.
      5. Changes made to the deliverables created by performance of the Services or to the operating environment.
      6. The relocation of Products by the Customer; or
      7. Any configuration or reconfiguration by the Customer of the Products or other equipment with which the Products interface.
    2. For items that are purchased on the TechForGood e-commerce platform, limited warranty applies.  In the event of a warranty claim more than 14 days after receipt of the product, customers should lodge the warranty claim with the manufacturer.
    3. TechForGood takes no responsibility for registering warranties, support and maintenance agreements. Please retain your TechForGood invoice as proof of purchase.
  6. Delivery.
    1. TechForGood must use its reasonable endeavours to deliver Products or Services to the Customer by the date agreed (not applicable for Time and Material proposals) but is not liable for any delays in delivery caused by matters beyond its control. Freight charges incurred by TechForGood in delivering Products to the Customer will be invoiced to the Customer exclusive of GST.